目前分類:悶鍋哼唱區 (57)

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You're always on my mind all day just all the time
You're everything to me brightest star to let me see

You touch me in my dreams we kiss in every scene
I pray to be with u through rain and shiny days

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I have been cryin and cryin for weeks
I ask about when I can barely speak
Barely eat

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Album: The Fame
Year: 2008

I wanna hold em' like they do in Texas Plays.
Fold em' let em' hit me raise it baby stay with me (I love it).

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If I were a boy
Even just for a day
I'd roll outta bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted then go
Drink beer with the guys

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作詞:徐世珍 作曲:Kiroro

*原諒把你帶走的雨天 在突然醒來的黑夜 發現我終於沒有再流淚
 原諒被你帶走的永遠 時鐘就快要走到明天 痛會隨著時間好一點

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作詞:易家揚 作曲:陳文華

我不服 我怎麼忘不掉那一個下午
我學不會所謂的分手藝術 我不能哭

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作詞:蘭剛/遠方 作曲:胡力/遠方


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作詞:嚴云農  作曲:黃忠平

我在向前走 卻像在退後
我在用想念 狂歡寂寞

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Artist: Kelly Clarkson lyrics
Album: Breakaway
Year: 2004
Title: Because Of You

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(倒帶重播需按F5 Refresh)
Artist: Christina Aguilera lyrics
Album: Back To Basics
Year: 2006
Title: Candyman

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(倒帶重播需按F5 Refresh)
Let me tell you 'bout the birds the bees
And the flowers and the trees
And the moon up above
And a thing called love.

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下雨天了 怎麼辦 我好想你....

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(倒帶重播需按F5 Refresh)
You and me we're meant to be
Walking free in harmony
One fine day we'll fly away
Don't you know that Rome wasn't built in a day...  hey hey hey

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(倒帶重播需按F5 Refresh)
失去和擁有 剎那的感動
醒著的時候 張開了雙眸

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悶鍋強力推薦的好歌(倒帶重播需按F5 Refresh)

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